CFA Society Korea aims to build
the brand and influence of CFA® charter in Korea.

CFA Society Korea will support the journey to professionalism, and be the bridge to build the foundational and strategic capabilities for CFA members in Korea.

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✅️Announcement of the 2024 Extraordinary General Meeting Results

The CFA Society Korea held the 2024 Extraordinary General Meeting(EGM) from July 16 to August 5, to elect the 13th President and to reconfirm the current auditor. On August 6 at 10:00 AM, under the moderation of the Nominating Committee Chairman (former President Bryan Young-Sang Yi ), a transparent vote counting was conducted via Zoom Live, with the participation of the presidential candidates (Dong-Woo (Don) Chung, CFA and Sungho Ha, CFA), the Nomination Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Secretariat.

🌿Out of a total of 1,205 eligible voters, 749 members (62.2%) participated in this extraordinary general meeting. This is the highest voter turnout since the establishment of the Society, indicating the intense competition between candidates and the high level of interest and engagement from the members.

As a result of the vote counting, Dong-Woo (Don) Chung, CFA was elected as the 13th President with the support of 425 members (56.7% of the participants).

In the second agenda item, the reconfirmation vote for the current auditor, Andrew Shin, CFA received 709 votes (94.7%), successfully securing re-election.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the members who participated in the 2024 EGM over the past three weeks. 

✨️Congratulations to Dong-Woo (Don) Chung, CFA on his election as the 13th Society President and to Andrew Shin, CFA on his re-election as the auditor. We look forward to their significant contributions to the development of CFA Society Korea. 

#CFASocietyKorea #CFA한국협회
[August] 2024 CFA Special Networking Event

The CFA Society Korea is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a Special Networking Night on Thursday, August 29th, at the Conrad Hotel in Seoul. 

This event will also feature a farewell for our outgoing president, Woong Park, CFA CAIA, whose term ends in August, and the inauguration of the newly elected president.

We encourage your active participation in this networking event, set in a fantastic venue, to beat the summer heat.🏖

▪️Date & Time: August 29, 18:30 - 21:30
▪️Attendees: Members, CFA Candidates, Special Guests, General Participants, etc. (150 ppl)
▪️Sponsor: Abrdn Korea (Annual Sponsor)
▪️Event Format: Standing party (finger food, beverages, and wine provided)

▪️Additional Info.: Special participation fee discounts and early bird registration opportunities for FY25 membership renewal members

◀️Participation Fee Information▶️

▪️Payment Details:
(Shinhan Bank) 140-013-547575
(Account Holder) CFA Society Korea


(🌺) Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis according to payment. Incomplete payments will invalidate registration.

✅️Early Bird Registration (Non-refundable):

▪️Period: July 24 ~ August 9
▪️Fee: 40,000 KRW (non-refundable)
▪️Eligibility: Only for new and renewing FY25 Membership

🎯2024/25 Membership Renewal Link:

✅️General Registration Period: From August 9 onwards

▪️CFA Society Korea Members: 60,000 KRW
▪️CFA Candidates/Charter Pending: 80,000 KRW
▪️General Guests: 150,000 KRW

<<Refund Policy>>
▪︎Cancellation from August 9 to August 15: 100% refund
▪︎Cancellation from August 16 to August 22: 50% refund
▪︎After August 23: No refund

*Refunds will be processed within one week after the event.

#CFASocietyKorea #CFASpecialNetworkingNight #CFA한국협회 #CFAInstitute #CFA #CFACandidate #abrdn #abrdnkorea #애버딘코리아
We are pleased to release the highlight video from the special fireside chat session with Myron Scholes held at the Westin Josun Hotel in Seoul on June 27.

🌿 Be sure to watch until the end of the video, as it includes a surprise birthday celebration for Myron.

The CFA Society Korea extends its sincere gratitude to Dr. Myron Scholes for generously dedicating his time to the Korean audience and to Janus Henderson Investors, who co-hosted this event.

Additionally, we would like to specially thank Andrew Hendry, Geraldine Walsh, Cammy Loh, and Kee Pyoung (Kay) Lee of Janus Henderson Investors for their efforts in planning this event. 

We also express our gratitude to Andrew Shin, Korea's top international conference moderator and auditor of CFA Society Korea, for always enhancing our events with his excellent moderating skills.

#CFASocietyKorea #CFA한국협회 #JanusHendersonInvestors #MyronScholes #MyronScholesFiresidechat #WestinJosun #CFAInstitute #CFA
◀️2024/25 CFA Institute Research Challenge 안내▶️

안녕하세요. CFA Institute Research Challenge 시즌이 돌아왔습니다. 

CFA Institute Research Challenge는 CFA Institute가 주최하고 전 세계 160여 개국의 대학(원)생이 참여하는 기업투자분석 발표대회로서, 국가 예선(Local Final)을 거쳐 아시아 지역 본선(APAC Sub-Region/Regional Final), 글로벌 대회 결선(Global Final)의 순서로 이루어집니다. 

CFA한국협회는 매년 국내 소재 대학생 및 대학원생을 대상으로 CFA Institute Research Challenge 국가 예선(Local Final/Korea Final)을 주관하고 있으며, 2024-2025 시즌 Research Challenge 한국대회는 애버딘코리아와 DB보험금융공모전에서 후원합니다. 

관심 있는 학생 여러분의 적극적인 도전과 참여 부탁드립니다.

◀️2024/25 RC 한국대회 행사 요약▶️

▶행사명: 2024/25 CFA Institute Research Challenge 한국대회
▶주 최: CFA한국협회(CFA Society Korea)
▶후 원: 애버딘코리아, DB보험금융공모전
▶협 찬: 금융투자협회
▶참가자격: 전국 대학생 및 대학원생(재학생)
▶참가신청 기간: 7월18일(목) - 8월 20일(화)
▶ 대회 안내 및 참가신청 방법 안내: CFA한국협회 홈페이지 Notice 참조

✅️대회 상세 일정

▶ 참가팀 시즌 Kick-Off(대회 오리엔테이션): 2024년 8월 31일(토) 10시, 여의도 금융투자협회 불스홀
▶ RC 대회 참가자 팀별 멘토 메칭 및 애널리스트 세션: 2024년 9월-10월 사이(추후공지)
▶ RC 대회 참가자 네트워킹 이벤트: 2024년 10월 말 - 11월 초(추후공지)
▶ 보고서(Written Report) 마감: 2024년 11월 17일(일)
▶ Korea Final 진출팀 발표: 2024년 12월 06일(금)
▶ Korea Final (결선): 2025년 2월 8일, 롯데월드타워 SKY31 Convention

※ 참가 신청서 접수 및 기타 문의(이메일 ONLY): 

#CFASocietyKorea #CFA한국협회 #CFAInstituteResearchChallenge #ResearchChallenge #ResearchChallenge2024 #abrdn #abrdnkorea #애버딘코리아 #DB보험금융공모전

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